
一般社団法人東京日台交流会は、当初任意団体として出発致し、約一年後の平成31年3月、正式に法人化、まだ誕生間もない団体でありますが、日本と台湾の友好親善を主目的として、積極的な活動を展開、現在までの約2年間に訪台すること 8 度、台北、高雄を中心として60 名ほどの同志も募り、着実な成果をあげられ、その行動力により敬意を表しているところであります。
玉澤 徳一郎
東京日台交流會由當初的民間(非正式)団体開始,在約一年後的平成31年3月,正式轉為機構化,雖然是剛成立不久的機構,但是以日本和台灣的友好親善為主要目的,展開了積極的活動,到現在為止約2年 8度訪台。以台北、高雄為中心,並会見了許多志同道和理念相同的 60 幾位同仁将聯合為体進行実際的団隊,加強促進日台友好的関係。
他們在這 2年中也取得了實實在在的成果,以此行動力,我向他們表示敬意。
玉澤 徳一郎
Message from the Chairperson
Greetings to all!
Initially started as a volunteer organization, the Japan-Taiwan Exchange Association (Tokyo) was officially incorporated a year later in March 2019.The aim of the organization is to further strengthen the bonds of friendship between the peoples of Japan and Taiwan.
Although the organization is newly established, various activities have been carried out to achieve our goals. This includes my visiting Taipei as much as 8 times in the last two years and meeting with various like-minded individuals. As a result, 60 individuals (centered around Taipei and Kaohsiung) have joined forces with us. I pay homage these comrades for their work and my hat goes off to them for steadily achieving results.
I am also deeply honored that with the support of all members, I have been asked to assume the role of Chairperson for the organization.
My connection with Taiwan is extremely deep and is one of the ideological basis for my political stance. Through the activities of this association, I am determined to devote my remaining life to strengthening the relations and the bonds of friendship between Japan and Taiwan. To achieve this crucial task, I would like to ask the guidance and cooperation of all of my comrades.
Thank you from the bottom of my heart.
Tokuichiro Tamazawa